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General resources
Home - Short QT Syndrome
This Website was established in order to spread the word about a heart disease called Short QT Syndrome (SQTS) which is easily overlooked and in some cases life-threatening.

Short QT Syndrome - SADS Foundation

Orphanet: Search a disease
The portal for rare diseases and orphan drugs

Patienteninformation Kurzes QT-Syndrom (German)
Short QT syndrome - Wikipedia

QT interval - Wikipedia

Channelopathy - Wikipedia

Overview Articles and research papers
You can search PubMed by clicking on the following link:
short qt syndrome - Search Results - PubMed
short qt syndrome - Search Results - PubMed

The information on this website has been compiled by volunteers. It is not advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your relevant medical professional.